Imagine That Studio

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Our wedding photography style is timeless. We are not driven by fads or a passing craze. We record the detail that make's your wedding day unique. And we do so with an eye to elegance and grace.

In the time we spend directing the two of you, we create memorable moments that capture your love and relationship. And the unique artwork we do to your wedding photographs will give you an exquisite and stylish wedding album.

The first time anyone sees our Bride in her wedding album we want their first response to be wow! Not "look she's in curlers". So our bridal preparation start with you in your wedding dress looking breathtaking.

Likewise your jewelery and accessories always look better on. A necklaces always looks more exquisite on than in a box. Earrings look more beautiful when worn than when photographed on a table. We want your wedding photography to communicate the tiny, yet significant details in every way.

Your wedding day is also about the family and friends who have come to celebrate the most important day in your life. And so we want them to feature in your wedding photography collection. We aim to get a candid photography of all your guests celebrating and rejoicing with you.

You also want a record of those nearest and dearest to you. And in just 15 minutes or so we can create a series of family portraits covering three generations and the Bridal Party

We provide our couples with the absolute best Italian, hand crafted Wedding Albums.

Every wedding album we create is unique. No two albums are the alike. Covers are personal to your album. We designed your album from your choice of wedding photographs. We do not use templates. Instead we create a wedding album layout just for you. In the same way all the artwork matches your wedding theme. Shows off your wedding as you want to remember it, and as you want others to see it.